Sunday, December 6, 2009

More Football Pictures

Christmas Break

This semester has really flown by, I can't believe there are only two more weeks left. I can tell my students are getting as restless as I am. I hope I am not the only teacher who is having a hard time staying focused. It has been really hard not to look forward to having two weeks off. I hope everyone has a good break.

The DaVinci Code

Robert Langdon takes us on a journey through ancient mysteries in The DaVinci Code. At first, I felt like I was just following the crowd by reading this book, but I couldnt hold out any longer as I kept hearing about it. The DaVinci Code follows a man who is out the solve the mysteries surrounding a bloodline from Jesus Christ. This book was interesting to say the least, but also educational because of it's constant historical references. This includes an in depth look at The Last Supper painting by Leonardo DaVinci. Murder, cover-ups and miracles are plentiful in this exciting and surprising novel by Dan Brown.

To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird is the story of a little girl, Scout, and her father Atticus, a prominent lawyer. Throughout the story, Scout learn about integrity as her father represents an African American although his community does not support him for it. Boo Radley, who once was feared by all, shows Scout how important acceptance and tolerance are and teaches her the value of friendship. This book is an excellent story to learn by and enjoy.

To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby

These two classics: To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby, are a must read. While The Great Gatsby might not be appropriate for the grades I teach, high schoolers would appreciate the story and could benefit from the vocabulary and flow of writing used in this book. To Kill a Mockinbird is a great book for any age group that teaches tolerance and the value of friendship and integrity. I have re-read these several times and suggest them to everyone I can.

Dan Brown: The DaVinci Code & Angels and Demons

I recently read the books The DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons. I thoroughly enjoyed these stories and suggest to everyone to actually read them and do not waste your time on the movies. I wasn't really interested in the concept of the storyline, but I finally broke down and read them to see what all the fuss was about. These mystery thrillers, I know, have been offensive to some, but I consider myself someone with an open mind and can appreciate a good book without letting it affect me by what it means. I suggest both of these to anyone who likes to try and figure things out and anyone who loves a good twist. I look forward to reading other book by Dan Brown and getting another look into his creative ideas.

Football Season

My first football season as a teacher and coach may be over, but I have pictures to remember it by.

A Teacher's Funeral

Those of us in the M.A.T. program have been assigned a book to read and reflect on. While I enjoy reading, sometimes it takes me a while to really get into a book. However, A Teacher's Funeral was easy to jump into each time I began to read. The book follows a family and group of students as they learn lessons of life and the rewards of school. As a new teacher, the book was inspiring and gave me a deeper insight into how each of my students are different in their backgrounds.


Things are changing for me now. I teach four periods of P.E., and two of those I have been fortunate enough to have another teacher in the class with me that has taught P.E. before; but now that teacher has taken a job at the high school as the dean of students. We got use to working together and I really enjoyed having him in there. I now have a teacher's aid who is helpful, but I have to get used to the change.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Long time away

I haven't posted on here as recently as I should. I have just been incredibly busy, I am sure I am the only one. Fordyce middle has turned out to be a pretty great place to work. Our administrators have turned out to be extremely helpful and really couldn't have asked for much more. Over the course of the semester, I have gotten more comfortable in my classroom and it became much easier once I was able to establish a set of norms or procedures. I have had some pretty crazy things happen so far this year, but it definitely keeps things interesting. I will definitley try to post more regularly throughout the rest of the semester.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Experience Thus Far...

Having no teaching or even substituting experience before my first day, I didn't really know what to expect. I was feeling a little overwhelmed in the beginning, but since the necessary evils of schedule changes and learning the handbook from cover to cover are out of the way, I am really enjoying being a teacher and a coach. After thoroughly explaining my classroom rules and procedures to my 280 students, things have been going more smoothly. I have learned a lot about my middle school students, including their strengths and weaknesses. I look forward to having even more fun with these kids and getting them excited about physical education.